Backpacking Europe

Backpacking Around Europe, 49 Days Left!

In 49 days my “summer” holiday will start and the adventure of backpacking around Europe will begin. Technically the adventure will begin a little earlier than that as Sarah will arrive days before.

I think by now I’m driving a lot of people in my surroundings crazy because I.CAN”T.STOP.TALKING.ABOUT.IT. Seriously I’m waiting for the day someone tells me to shut up already. Luckily no one has said that yet and they are all still “willing victims” listening to my pre travel plans.

Right now we haven’t booked anything yet apart from the train tickets. No, nothing. Isn’t that exciting? The best thing about that is we can go wherever we please and stay for however long we like. The downside -if you will- is we don’t have the certainty of a place to sleep. But with so many hostels around and maybe even hotels if worst comes to worst I’m sure we find a place to rest our heads. With that said, we’re still debating if we should book anything in advance, it might be a good idea to book at least some hostels in places we know we’re going to stay for a while.

It also pays to buy city cards like the Roma pass or a Paris pass. Although I have to admit I think the Paris pass is expensive. I would have to calculate to see if it’s worth it for what we want to see and do. No one wants to end up having to run around the city using the pass just to get their money’s worth out of it. If you do that, you don’t actually get to enjoy the city, you’re just doing things in a hurry to not waste money; never a good way to spend time.

Apart from that, I’m making lists. Lots of lists of things I still need to buy, things that could come in handy, things I shouldn’t ย forget to bring, clothes I want to pack, places to see, things to do. I pretty much think there is a list for everything and knowing me, I’ll probably end up forgetting things I wanted to bring anyway.

One of those things I need to get is a spork. We intend to cooks our meals at hostels but I hate eating from strangers’ cutlery, I just can’t help it, I even drag my own things to work with me, even though we have a dishwasher there. A little strange perhaps but sporks are easy to pack and pretty cheap too at $1.99 a piece. A spork is a combination of a spoon, fork and knife if you hadn’t figured out yet ;).



As you can see I’m even excited about getting silly gear like sporks, but the thing I’m most excited about? It’s seeing Sarah. I can’t wait to see her and hang out ๐Ÿ™‚ that will be the best part of the trip!

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  • Reply Evey August 17, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    Haha we brought our own sporks as well when in Australia. It’s easy and yeah maybe more clean ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Reply Chantal August 18, 2013 at 7:16 pm

      Yes sporks are awesome, they are so easy to carry around, perfect for picnics and travel ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Reply Laura August 20, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    Wat een fijne blog heb je! Ik ben benieuwd naar je avontuur.

    • Reply Chantal August 20, 2013 at 5:35 pm

      Bedankt! Ik ga mijn reis hier zeker bij houden ๐Ÿ™‚

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