Blog, Updates

Facebook Page And Other Changes

So I caved, I created a Facebook page for I hadn’t really thought about doing this before, until I noticed a lot of other bloggers out there having one for their site. That’s when I decided to join in on the fun too.

I’m not sure what it will bring for the site yet, but it can’t hurt to just try it out and see what happens.
Since it’s still a new page, it is in need of more likes. It would be great if you could like the page on Facebook, I would really appreciate it!

Tweaks, Changes and Additions

You might also notice a new header image. It now features a quote from Augustine of Hippo. I really like this quote because to me it matches with my view on travelling. I think travel will expand your view on life and the world. It will bring you into contact with many different people and cultures, leading to a richer life (well, not money wise as we all know travel can be expensive – haha)

And that’s not all, I also updated the about page, as well as added a welcome image to the sidebar on the left. I’m not totally happy yet with how the site looks at the moment, but I guess that’s also part of the fun of having a blog; making changes and thinking of how things can look better or be done better, right?

Sometimes I miss the days of having lots of time to create my own layouts and staying up all night trying to get it just right. Being a perfectionist can be a bit annoying, I can tell you it has let to many sleepless nights trying to get the codes just right or fix something in my coding that messed up another part of the layout. But I have to admit it’s also nice to be able to sleep a full night without having to worry about messed up codes 😉

Right now I’m thinking of changing my Twitter and Instagram handles. Part of me wants to do it, but on the other hand the people following me there know me by my current handles and it might just lead to confusion.

Have you changed your handles on a social media page to match your site and if so, did it lead to confusion?

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