Blog, Travels

Documenting Your Travels: Travel Diaries

There are many ways to document your travels, whether it’s an annual holiday or one of many trips you take a year. We all want something solid to show for our travels, apart from the awesome memories we make.

Of course I have this blog, which for me is a fun way to share my adventures with you. And we all have photos of our journeys to share with others. But have you ever heard of a travel diary?

There are many variations of travel diaries around. A simple notebook would suffice of course but there are special books out there which will let you document your travels in a prettified way: with room for photos and pages full of tips and tricks and space to write down an itinerary or a packing list.

Personally I think travel diaries are a fun addition to keep track of your travels. I took one with me to Scotland earlier this year. And even though I have my travels logged here too my travel diary contains things I haven’t shared here, and things I almost forgot about, like funny conversations or hilarious quotes from people I met or travelled with.

This diary is nowhere near full yet but lucky me just won a new travel diary from one of my favourite outdoor stores. So that will definitely accompany me on my three week backpacking adventure around Europe next month. The reason I’m not taking my previous one? Now that I have the option to make a diary for long journeys and one for short(er) trips I’d like to do so, so really, just because I can 😉

travel diaries

travel diaries

travel diaries

How do you log your trips? In photos, on a blog or a travel diary or maybe in a completely different way? I’m interested to know!

photos are not the best quality as they’re taken with my phone

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  • Reply Laura September 12, 2013 at 3:55 pm

    Wat een leuke blog heb je! Heerlijk. Reizen.
    Ik neem altijd dagboekjes mee en schrijf natuurlijk veel op mijn blog! 🙂

    • Reply Chantal September 14, 2013 at 5:07 pm

      Dank je wel! Wat leuk dat je naast je blog ook nog dagboekjes meeneemt, ik vind het een geweldige manier om me aan mijn reizen te herinneren zonder dat ik alles perse moet delen op mijn blog.

      Jou tattoo is trouwens geweldig ik vind hem zo prachtig 🙂

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