Backpacking Europe

When in Rome

Don’t just assume a green light will get you across the street safely!! The driving is crazy here. People run red lights left and right, stop on a pedestrian crossing when it’s green to walk and there’s a whole concert of car horns on every intersection. You better think twice about just stepping onto the road, it might end up a bit different than you expected.

Apart from the erratic driving Rome is amazing. The city had 2 metro lines, A and B, which will get you pretty much anywhere, but the city is very walkable too. It’s contained enough to walk to all the places of interest without seeming too small and passing the same area twice.

We’ve walked a lot these past days and seen parts of the city we normally wouldn’t have (which means we took some wrong turns 😉 ) and came across sights we would have missed otherwise.

If you have a chance, go see Rome, the history of the place still feels alive within the city and it’s fantastic to be able to stand in the same spot gladiators stood. On the floor of the colosseum.

And in case you’re wondering from my last post, we did make it to Rome that night, barely! It required a whole lot of running to get from one train station to another via metro and buying tickets as we went along, we made the very last train to Rome that night with minutes to spare..

For all my entries I have lots more photos to show you but they’re on my camera so for now the iPhone photos will have to do.

Dirty Rome River and pretty bridge

St. Peter basilica

Me at Trevi fountain

The Colosseum

Me at the colosseum

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  • Reply pieter October 14, 2013 at 5:53 pm

    zo te horen ligt Rome jou beter dan Parijs uitgezonderd dan de bezienswaardigheden misschien.
    kunnen jullie je daar bij iedereen goed verstaanbaar maken of gebeurt dat met handen en voeten zoals de Italianen dat zelf ook doen,
    hoe groot moet ik mij het coloseum voorstellen?


  • Reply Gerrie October 14, 2013 at 6:00 pm

    Hoi Tal

    Zo de kilo’s zijn er nu weer afgelopen heb ik begrepen om jullie laatste trein van Milaan naar Rome te gaan ha ha. Maar gelukkig jullie hebben de trein gehaald. Rome moet geweldig zijn zoals ik van zovele heb gehoord. Veel bezienswaardigheden wie weet kan ik het je ook nog eens vertellen dat we daar geweest zijn en veel hebben kunnen zien.

    Goede reis naar Sorrento en voor beide dikke knuffel en xxxx

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