From my lack of blogging you might have the thought Sarah and I had gone missing somewhere between Salzburg and home, but we didn’t. We just had so many things to see and do that blogging wasn’t on the top of the list, this last part of our backpacking adventure.
We arrived back in The Netherlands on October 25, leaving us with a few more days to relax before I started work again and Sarah flew back home to New Zealand. We enjoyed our last few days hanging out together by going out to dinner and enjoying some more Dutch snacks like Hema rookworst in a roll.
Life after our adventure has been a little crazy for me. another reason I haven’t blogged since being back home. I just had so much to catch up on in every day life and at work! I will post more entries about the cities we visited shortly and I have yet to sort through all my photos so expect a lot more photo entries soon too!
So no worries, both me and Sarah arrived home safely and had a fantastic time travelling around Europe. More updates will follow soon and meanwhile I’m already planning my next (short) trip to London, my home away from home!
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