A few weeks ago I wrote about my little pony friend Dribbel, and how sick he was. Meanwhile he has shown everyone he’s as strong as an ox. He surprised us all, including the vet.
In A Nutshell
When he came out of his stable a bit stiff and sore a few weeks ago, we had no idea how bad things were going to get. The vet came and saw immediately he had laminitis and also thought he had cushing. A blood test would show more and eventually proved the vet’s suspicions, he didn’t only have laminitis but also cushing (which caused his laminitis in the first place). Dribbel was put on medication for cushing and painkillers for laminitis.
After two weeks the poor things couldn’t move back or forward anymore. His laminitis progressed from “normal” to ” very severe” and with the help of x-rays we also knew his coffin bones in both his front hoofs sank. The vet was slightly positive and wanted to start full treatment but also straight out told us this could be the end of the road for him.
And Now
I have to admit I didn’t think he would make it to the end of the week. Just the way he stood there and the look in his eyes made me think so, especially because we have to do what’s fair for Dribbel. How far do you have to go to save an animal? When living becomes suffering you know it’s been enough.
We agreed on a time frame with my family in which things had to get better, if not that would be it. To us, a horse worthy life is most important. When that doesn’t cut it any more, hard decisions have to be made.
And now, 8 weeks later there is a world of change! Dribbel is running around the field again with his buddy and playing jokes on us. The past few weeks we noticed a lot of changes along the way. He started walking better reasonably quick and he seemed to be in less pain (obviously due to the painkillers) and a little later his coat looked a lot better and his (mischievous) eyes got brighter
Talking to our vet we were even able to give less medication! At this time they’re testing his blood again to see if his cushing levels have gone down and we’ve even started lessening his medication even more, so hopefully he’ll be painkiller free and will only need his cushing medicine.
This is so much more than I could have hoped for a couple of weeks ago and I’m thrilled. My little friend is back to his old self again and has even managed to make his first rounds around the courtyard as the king of escaping he is.
Of course we’re not there yet, we would love to see the painkillers go altogether, his cushing will never be gone and he is always at risk of getting laminitis again. But I’m just so elated to see my buddy happy again! A real difference with 8 weeks ago and it goes to show this little horse is as strong as an ox!
Wauw, wat geweldig voor jullie en voor het beest dat het nu weer zo veel beter gaat, wat fijn!
Zeker voor hem, hij had zo’n pijn het was gewoon echt zielig om hem zo te zien staan.
What a lovely story and an impressive recovery!
Thank you, he knows how to impress all of us alright 🙂
Your pony is adorable and good to read she’s back to her old self! Never had a pony but definitely can relate that a worthy life is more important. Some people try to hang on to people and animals for the wrong reasons instead of letting them go.
You were ready to let go and then she got better! Letting go is probably a true sign of true love in my opinion ^_^
Love is also letting go, as hard as it might be sometimes. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed he’ll keeps doing so well!