If I’m not mistaken I said I would write more in my last update. That I was even going to set up a schedule to get things online more regularly. As you can see, my good intentions from DECEMBER 2015 (oops) went down the drain quickly. I haven’t done anything at all.
Even though I haven’t posted anything, I’ve seen I get more visitors lately, but with zero updates those visitors (HI!) will never come back. Very smart of me, not!
I did do something about the layout though. But you won’t be able to see those (for now) as I’m still working on it. So it’s not that I haven’t done anything, although it does appear that way.
I really feel bad and it’s a shame that I have let my website gather dust like this, so it’s time to do it differently. The new layout is on it’s way and with that I’ll be trying out a plugin that will publish entries automatically. Hopefully things will work out better that way.
So attempt 2 (or was it 3 already?!). In the last case, three times lucky they say right?
How do m ore “experienced” and more “up to date” bloggers do this? Do you write every day, or do you use a plugin that auto updates on certain times. Tips are always welcome, I have a lot to learn still.
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