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Animals, Nature, Reflection

Goodbye Furry Friends

While I try to gather my thoughts about what I’m going to write, tears well up in my eyes again. Usually I keep my feelings to myself, and that’s one of the reasons I haven’t written about this yet. It’s a bit scary to open my heart to a group of people I don’t know; the world wide web.
As most of you probably know, I’m a nature person and a big animal lover. Every animal is my “buddy” but of course my own animals are closer to my heart than other animals.

And that’s where it really hurts. It hurts when you have to miss a furry friend. And that’s why the tears are running down my face in a steady stream at the moment. I miss them, yes them. Because unfortunately I had to say my goodbyes to two of my big animal friends. Horse Dribbel and dog Butler.

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Environment, Hiking, Nature, Uncategorized

Nature On Your Doorstep


When I think of nature in The Netherlands, the first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful are “De Veluwe“. Our National Green Heart is a fantastic area to hike or cycle in. Unfortunately I don’t live very close so I’m not there a lot.

But our small country has more to offer when it comes to nature. There are very beautiful natural areas controlled by State Forest Control spread out over the country, so there is always a natural area close to where you are. Not only are there awesome forests and natural areas from State Forest Control close by, there could be some hidden gems right on your doorstep!

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