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Kennedy Kerr

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Book: A Spell Of Murder

A Spell of Murder by Kennedy Kerr

Publisher: Bookouture

Temerity Love and her sister Tilda live in the small village of Lost Maidens Loch. Temerity is the owner of Love’s Curiosities Inc, a small little shop full of oddities. There is something strange about the sisters though, they aren’t like your ordinary siblings. Temerity is not only an antiques expert, she has a rare magical gift to be able to find lost things and learn their stories. Experts the world over know where to find her to enlist her help. At the same time, her sister Tilda, a rare books dealer, has some powers of her own. She is known as the village herbalist and witch.  And, as any good witch does, they have cats and a large blue parrot. What’s a witch to do without them?!

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